Optimizing Deep Cleaning with DETERFUG and FABER 30

by | Sep 29, 2023 | Acabados | 0 comments

The search for a deep cleaning and effective cleaning of surfaces is an essential task in the maintenance routine. Therefore, we want to tell you about two flagship cleaning products from the Faber brand: DETERFUG and FABER30. In the first case, DETERFUG is a concentrated alkaline cleaner, and in the second case, FABER30 is a mildly acidic detergent.

DETERFUG; Deep cleaning even on the most porous surfaces

DETERFUG has been formulated with slightly acidic water and its main objective is deep cleaning and the removal of persistent dirt on a wide variety of surfaces. What makes this product exceptional is its ability to penetrate the interior of porous and rough surfaces, allowing for a quick and complete removal of dirt buildup without causing damage.

DETERFUG se destaca por su versatilidad al eliminar diversos tipos de suciedad, ya sea grasa o inorgánica, y esto lo convierte en la elección ideal para aquellas situaciones que requieren una limpieza profunda extraordinaria. Su aplicación periódica se traduce en la capacidad de disolver y eliminar la suciedad acumulada, incluso aquella que los detergentes de uso diario no logran combatir. 

Remove accumulated dirt in just a few minutes with the deep cleaning power of FABER30

FABER 30 is a concentrated alkaline cleaner designed for deep cleaning of persistent dirt. This water-based cleaner with an alkaline pH demonstrates exceptional effectiveness in tackling deep cleaning on all surfaces with general dirt, even that which has been accumulating for a long time due to human or vehicular traffic.


FABER 30 is a versatile cleaner known for being quick and easy to use. Despite its powerful action against dirt, it is also extremely gentle on surfaces, including the most sensitive ones.

¡Find FABER30 and other efficient cleaning products in insemac.com! 
